☀️ NETFLIX Boomtimes Return in Q4 💰! What Lies Ahead for 2024LGF/ROADSHOW join SUNDANCE buyers club / CBS sets lead for potential spinoff / NETFLIX Films chart gets fun new entrant
Evening! This is Sean McNulty (connect with me on LinkedIn here if ya like), and here’s the Hollywood + Media news to know on the night of TUESDAY Jan 22, 2023. Where yes, everyone is very excited about their OSCAR nominations. That should sum up the 78 articles that came out today all telling you that. Let the final campaigning begin! AND: No reason to keep the NETFLIX Q4 report analysis and doublespeak translation til the morning at this point… plus it’ll be an actual Wakeup for our international readers for once! And uh, then I also get to sleep in tomorrow 🙌. IN THIS EDITION:
NETFLIX Q4 2023 Brings Back the Old Times#medianerd🤓 returns!First things first - no more NETFLIX Earnings Call pre-recorded videos! Man, this spirit of the live WWE RAW thing is taking hold fast… (btw - Ted emphasized that the WWE is sports entertainment a few times today… not sports y’all). But yes, the NETFLIX C-suite shifted to a YT live-stream earnings video/call format, with their head of Investor Relations serving up submitted questions from analysts, which I thought made for an efficient experience - SPOTIFY does a similar tactic (although audio only - gotta keep it on brand). Granted - there’s a significant filter in place still, and you lose the voice tone skepticism from analysts themselves… but there was little skepticism to be had on this call anyway. Also no real mention of the Stuber exit by Ted - it was brought up in an analyst question asking about any change in the film strategy, but Ted indicated no real change was ahead, and moved on. Although hey I’m sure the “Thanks for the 7 years Scott! We’re excited for your new venture…” was implied. THE TOPLINES & TRENDS TO KNOW...Subscribe to The Ankler. to read the rest.Become a paying subscriber of The Ankler. to get access to this post and other subscriber-only content. A subscription gets you:
☀️ NETFLIX Boomtimes Return in Q4 💰! What Lies Ahead for 2024