Dear Mr Updtes, register for the ICAS 13 International Conference-Festival in Surabaja, sign up for one of our events in Leiden, submit your abstract for the AIR-MAP Symposium in Seoul, or apply for the Chair of Taiwan Studies at Leiden University and IIAS.
ICAS 13 - Crossways of Knowledge. International Conference-Festival in Surabaya, Indonesia, 28 July - 1 August 2024
The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) is a global research organisation and knowledge exchange platform based in Leiden, The Netherlands. IIAS initiates and supports interdisciplinary and trans-sectoral programmes that engage and connect partners in Asia and the rest of the world. The Institute seeks to promote a more contextualised understanding of Asian realities today and pioneers new approaches to the study of Asia in a changing global environment. It does so through an array of activities in the realms of research, education, publications, dissemination, network development, institutional support, and services to the community inside and outside academia.