Hello, The hottest day on record? On Wednesday, Delhi reportedly recorded the country's highest-ever temperature at 52.3 degrees Celsius. However, authorities are yet to confirm whether the temperature sensor in Delhi's Mungeshpur automatic weather station—which showed the record-breaking reading—is working properly. Moving on, more capital pours into funds. Sorin Investments, an early-stage venture capital firm co-founded by former KKR India head Sanjay Nayar, has announced the final close of its maiden fund at Rs 1,350 crore. Holani Venture Capital Fund, a Rs 300 crore SME-focused fund, raised Rs 184 crore within one month of its launch. Meanwhile, financial services company Avendus has launched its third fund under the Avendus Future Leaders Fund (FLF Fund) platform and aims to raise a corpus of Rs 3,000 crore, including a green-shoe option of up to Rs 1,500 crore. Lastly, researchers have found a way to make chocolate with less sugar and calories by using the cocoa crop more efficiently. Chocolate that’s good for the planet and the waist! In today’s newsletter, we will talk about - RBI's fintech repository triggers cheers and fears
- Building an LLM for Marathi
- Helping children overcome health battles
Here’s your trivia for today: When was travelator, or a moving walkway, invented?